
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

You called me to sit and pray and this is what my heart is trying to say 


let me tell you a story…

it start‘s with a Mountain that could feel dry

but I call you to not look behind and follow me high

higher and higher until you collapse and cry 

but you aren’t here yet

so hang on and keep up the drive 

you talk about the Mountain 

but the Mountain knows you uncomfortably well 

but you yourself would never deny 

you pour and pour

until your river is dry 

child, you walk hand in hand but not with I

you wipe tears but your own eye’s do not abide

the sky is a canvas of my grace

but you hide your burdens from My face

come as you are not as you want to be 

call on My name and you are Mine

you love like I love and serve as I serve 

but your missing the Mountain just keep up the clime

I knew you would get here but it took some joy sorrow and destruction of some of your pride

oh, have I told you how loved you are?

just a reminder until My eyes can take your cry

you’re on My Mountain with your hand’s held high 

but do not forget your soul of surrender is not a devilish lie 

you might feel unworthy

but stay on My Mountain

where I won’t let your river run dry

your eyes will be filled with My mercy and grace

just stay on my mountain and don’t hide your free bound face

I love you my child 

just obey and please do not go astray

the Mountain trembles at the mention of My name 

but today darkness quakes because here they know you are safe

peaking through the mountain you feel my shining presence on your hopeful face

just keep your arms open 

it’s time to embrace 

My body bled for you 

My eyes weep with you

so please quiet your soul and let me plea your case 

stand firm on My Mountain 

let Me hold you by My Own pace

next time you doubt My mountain 

wait for Me 

it’s not race 

when the Mountain looks high 

I will remind you of what I have done 

and of My fountain that does not run dry 

if you forget everything,

just remember my child,

I love you 


it’s just you and I 





I don’t know why I’m posting this, it feels too exposing lol. But every step of the way, God is so good. So this is me trying to portray just a glimpse of His goodness. 

Okay, I’m done talking about a mountain, I promise 🙂 

4 responses to “thank you for Your Mountain”

  1. I just sit here thinking about what I just read I find myself reading and rereading your post. It exposes the heart in seeking Him. Thanks for such a posture of worship.

  2. Naomi, This is beautiful. It is never “too exposing” to tell of God’s goodness, kindness, love, compassion, mercy, faithfulness….we could go on and on, right? And only a glimpse of His goodness is all we’ll get on this earth, but I’d say you’re getting a pretty solid, long glance right now. Love this! Keep writing! And thanks for sharing….
    (Katherine’s Mama)

  3. How beautiful, Naomi! Like Don, I reread it a few times to soak everything in. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment with the Father!